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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Last updated December 2023

At Serefin, we're all about providing the best customer experience, and that includes protecting your privacy. We believe you have a right to know what information we collect from you and how we use and protect it.

This privacy policy (the “Privacy Policy”) applies to Serefin Inc. and its affiliates and subsidiaries (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Serefin”, “we”, “us” and “our”) and provides information on the collection, use and sharing of your personal information, including but not limited to, the personal information collected via your interaction with our websites and online platforms and your use of our products and services, whether directly through communication with us via telephone or email, or indirectly through third parties in the course of our business.

The web page located at HTTPS://WWW.SEREFIN.COM/ and all linked pages together form the “Site”. When used herein, the term “Services” shall refer to any product, or service we make available to or perform for you through our Site, including any landing pages or informational pages.

This Privacy Policy applies to the collection, use, disclosure and storage of the Personal Information (as defined below) provided to us by you in your use of our Site and/or Services. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully and review it periodically for the latest information about our privacy practices. By accepting our Terms of Use [AA1] or by accessing or using our Services or Site, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by this Privacy Policy, and consent to the use of your information by Serefin as set forth herein. This Privacy Policy may be supplemented or amended from time to time, so we encourage you to review it periodically. If you do not agree with the practices described herein or in our Terms of Use[AA2] , or if you do not have authority to agree to this Privacy Policy, please do not provide us with your Personal Information or interact with the Site and/or Services.